server plugins



The quit event, fired when the QUIT command is received from the server. When this is fired someone has quit from the irc network.

Event attributes:

  • user: The affected user.
  • message: The quit message.
client.on('quit', function (event) {
    console.log(event.user.getNick() + " quit: " + event.message);


quit(message, network)
Param string message:
 The reason you want to show to others about why you quit.
Param string network:
 The network to execute the command on.
Param function fn:
 The callback function to be called when the call has been finished.

Quit from the server.


client.quit("bye",; // usage in an event listener
client.quit("bye", "freenode"); // send to specific network
client.quit("bye"); // send to all networks
Param string network:
 The network to execute the command on.
Returns object serverInfo:
 The server info about the network.

Get info about a network.


var info = client.getServerInfo(; // usage in an event listener
var info = client.getServerInfo("freenode"); // send to specific network